Poetry by the Iguana, and Other Stories

Many people have unexpected gifts, and the Iguana surprised everyone by telling his view of the galaxy in poetry. Everyone but me, that is. I've always known he speaks in lyrics!

Hi! Zantippy Skiphop here! I tell the tales of my adventures in the galaxy with my friends! Iguana likes to stay in his Earth swamp, so his book got written while I was trapped in an extraterrestrial jail. Don't worry, I escaped, so we are all about to tell you lots more stories!

Add Your Own Poem Page!

Me and my friend, Charlie :)

Add a playful poem in the comment section, and I'll add it to this post! Have fun!

A couple of people have told me that they plan on putting a poem here, but they seem to be approaching it as some sort of serious project. No, no, just have fun with this! It is about being playful with words and being silly. It's about capturing a moment like a photo does, but in words.

Close your eyes and imagine a moment that you loved, like looking at a cute bug ( I saw THE CUTEST bug this morning!), getting rained on, patting your dog, smiling at a stranger, eating a cupcake, what it felt like waking up. A moment that was just yours inside yourself, and you want to share - in a playful, silly way! There is no wrong way to do this. It won't be bad. It will be fun for us to read! Write something within a few minutes, like as long as it would take to climb up a tree! :)

Here's a really fun poem by children's author, Greg Pincus, just to help put you in a word-silly mood. Say it out loud!

I Don't Like Words

I don't like words.
They don't make sense.
Words make me upset and tense.
How due eye no witch whirred two ewes
Ore how two right thee won aye chews?
Wile sum mite think words are a bawl,
Eye dew knot care fore words at awl!

:D :D :D

This poem was taken from his ebook of kids' poems, The Late Bird.
His website is The Happy Accident.

:) Beautiful, sad, funny - please enjoy these poems! :)


I'm here,
The snow falling

by Kobayashi Issa


By Brandi! She made this up as she was here writing it, I sure hope she makes a larger story out of it!

Uncle Dear,
Violet Here,
Asking for a favor
Not a treat
Not a sweet
Not a thing with flavor
(Nothing like that)
Your time machine
A useful thing
With many a possibility
To change the past
To change at last
The reason for my miserability
(yes, Uncle, that is a word)
Please make a stop
A real quick pop
To the day I have in mind
Tell my pater
And tell my mater
To be much disinclined
(convince them!)
Warn them both
To swear an oath
A most holy and sacred vow
That only me
That I shall be
Their only child now
(get my drift)
That brother of mine
So quite out of line
Is the terror of my life
he is a worm
he is a germ
The reason for my strife
(you see now)
Uncle Dear
Your niece here
Begging this mercy of you
If you cannot
If you shall not
I hope a caveman turns you into stew
(or a dinosour!)
Yours Lovingly,


Here's a new poem by my new friend, Speedy the house rabbit's mom!

Speedy the Cheeky House Rabbit!

He's a Cheeky one that Speedy
He goes on adventures in his magic closet
Bringing along his bunny chums
to all these fun places!
He's a naughty one that Speedy
He does his disappearing Houdini act
That little escape artist
Where does he go no one knows?
He's a funny one that Speedy
He loves playing tricks
Especially on me
Like Trampolining on me!
He's a Speedy one that Speedy
He always races around everywhere
He zooms here, he zooms there
He zooms everywhere!
He's a Cheeky one that Speedy
Speedy the Cheeky House Rabbit!

Thank you, Speedy, I love that so much!

LOL! :D My bunnies know how to disappear too, although it's mostly been the girls who have that talent. They can make themselves invisible, go to sleep, and only become visible again when my calling and calling wakes them up :D Then there they are, where I had already looked a zillion times!



  1. Speedy The Cheeky House Rabbit!

    He's a Cheek one that Speedy
    He goes on adventures in his magic closet
    Bringing along his bunny chums
    to all these fun places!
    He's a naughty one that Speedy
    He does his disappearing Houdini act
    That little escape artist
    where does he go know one knows?
    He's a funny one that Speedy
    He loves playing tricks
    Especially on me
    Like Trampolining on me!
    He's a Speedy one that Speedy
    He always races around everywhere
    He zooms here,he zooms there
    He Zooms everywhere!
    He's a Cheeky one that Speedy
    Speedy The Cheeky House Rabbit!

  2. Uncle Dear,
    Violet Here,
    Asking for a favor
    Not a treat
    Not a sweet
    Not a thing with flavor
    (Nothing like that)
    Your time machine
    A useful thing
    With many a possibility
    To change the past
    To change at last
    The reason for my miserability
    (yes, Uncle, that is a word)
    Please make a stop
    A real quick pop
    To the day I have in mind
    Tell my pater
    And tell my mater
    To be much disinclined
    (convince them!)
    Warn them both
    To swear an oath
    A most holy and sacred vow
    That only me
    That I shall be
    Their only child now
    (get my drift)
    That brother of mine
    So quite out of line
    Is the terror of my life
    he is a worm
    he is a germ
    The reason for my strife
    (you see now)
    Uncle Dear
    Your niece here
    Begging this mercy of you
    If you cannot
    If you shall not
    I hope a caveman turns you into stew
    (or a dinosour!)
    Yours Lovingly,

  3. Aaaaahhh that is so cool, brandi!! I'll put it in the post as soon as I'm reunited with my Mac! Love that whole thing LOL! Did you write this as part of a larger story, or has your uncle let you use his time machine before?

  4. It is just made up as I typed, but it came from an idea of poems where Violet writes back and forth between her travelling father and uncle. The first poem I wrote was about the sphynx her father had to haggle for. The barge sank into the Nile, so he had to send the river to her as well. She actually did not have a name before today. I guess she is now Violet.

  5. A new Masterpiece by Me. No one will appreciate it until I have been dead 100 years.

    I woke
    This Mourning
    Had a Peanut Butter
    With Gel E
    Every won
    The End

    It is a little on the dark side but I am at the moment having a PB and J sammie. hoooooray....I think I will have another. With Vodka.
    Don't post this, dear. I am just feeling sorry for myself.......

  6. :D whoops I thought you sent this just by email, I just now saw it was here in the comments! Are you sure you don't want me to post it, I do love it LOL! Hope things are ok!

  7. Brandi and Speedy - I just popped in here to add a poem, and realized that I hadn't linked your names to your blogs - they are linked, now! Thanks!


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